Case Studies & Reports
Discover more about past projects and the success stories of Western Landcare NSW.

It’s never too late to get involved – 13 JUL 2022 – LP045-015
Encouraging Participation in NRM and Biodiversity in the Far West. The issue Western NSW, covering 40 percent of the state and sparsely populated, has its associated benefits and challenges. Benefits may include a stronger sense of community, space to live, enhanced...

Reconnecting with the land – 5 JUL 2022 – LP045-014
Engaging with the younger generation in Far West NSW. The issue Mental health, food security, scarcity, and inflation are some of the many issues that have arisen from recent years, especially since the start of the pandemic. Children are spending less time in the...

Community of Practice – 25 AUG 2021 – LP045-08
Native Fauna Biodiversity and Pest Management in the Far West. The issue Predation threatens many native species with extinction ultimately disrupting balance in the natural food chain and biodiversity in the region. In the Western Region of NSW, the total land area...

Re-snagging the Darling River – 19 AUG 2021 – LP045-10
Western Landcare In partnership with OzFish Ltd are re-snagging the lower Darling River to help improve and re-build native habitat along with providing shelter, protection and breeding grounds for native fish. The issue Challenges for Re-snagging have included...

Warrego-Paroo Pest Management Group – 18 AUG 2021 – LP045-012
A new pest management group established between the Warrego and Paroo Rivers in North-Western NSW. The issue Wild Dogs are a very prominent issue in Western NSW due to the high stock losses farmers experience, especially lambs in sheep flocks. Western Local Land...

Suitable contractors are not always easy to find – 9 AUG 2021 – LP045-11
With current interstate restrictions it was difficult to source contractors from other states for our rabbit control project. We were fortunate to be able to upskill some of our local Aboriginal rangers so that they were able to participate in some of the work on our...

Landcare comes to Bourke – 2 AUG 2021 – LP045-011
Bourke in North Western NSW has a new landcare group to look after the town's beautiful natural areas along the Darling River. The issue Bourke is a remote town in the northeast corner of Western NSW. Through it, runs the Darling River. The people of Bourke, including...

Landcare Community Engagement in Western NSW – 26 JUL 2021 – LP045-09
Landcare and community gardens in the Far West The issue As a sparsely populated region of NSW with unreliable rainfall, an increasing number of hot days, and reliance on stores for fresh fruits and vegetables, food security can be an issue, especially in remote rural...

Participation in environmental learning – 27 OCT 2020 – LP045-004
Finding something relatable for all ages The issue The Sunray Warriors is an event that is held each year in Mildura. Children from local primary schools are invited along to participate in Environmental learning activities. Fifteen primary schools in NSW and VIC...

A Captive Audience – 26 OCT 2020 – LP045-003
Testing a new activity with school age children. The issue When you are developing a new activity that is to be used with school age children to help them engage and think about the environment it is hard to find and develop age appropriate activities. An activity...